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Inspection & Testing

The Testing and Inspection Division provides services in the implementation and review of geotechnical and geostructural designs; and general construction inspections and materials testing including:

  • Fully certified soil and aggregate testing laboratories, concrete laboratory certified to CSA Level 1 criteria in accordance to CSA A283, and asphalt laboratories certified by CCIL (Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories) Categories A, B, C, and D.   Terraprobe is a CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission) licensed operator of appropriate nuclear density gauges
    • Conventional and specialized testing tools and knowledge to carry out fieldwork and laboratory testing as required
    • Geotechnical Field review for Buildings, Earthworks, Roadways and Parking Lots, Retaining Walls and Slope Restoration
  • Field and Laboratory Testing for soil, aggregate, asphalt, concrete, grout, mortar
  • Foundations & bearing capacity; footings, caissons, piles
  • Excavation stability and backfill monitoring
  • Underground services installation inspections and monitoring
  • Compaction control and engineered fill construction
  • Assessment of soil properties, gradation, in-situ permeability and hydraulic conductivity testing using Guelph Permeameter
  • Investigation of concrete cracking, high strength concrete temperature and strength calibration services 
  • Concrete block testing, adsorption, freeze-thaw
  • Asphaltic testing including bitumen content, gradation, Marshall bulk density, stability and air flow, air voids
  • Evaluation of asphaltic and concrete pavements
  • Design and inspection of rotary drill rig platforms in accordance with Ont. Reg. 213/91, s. 156